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Our Mission
Connect Senior Services believes in the power of connection, joy, and faith to transform lives. We provide opportunities for seniors to experience these through a thriving community that provides housing, events, dining and need based services. We look to help eliminate food scarcity, social isolation, and to provide fair priced housing.
Our Programs
We offer seniors a host of different services in order to help them thrive. From Independent living and Active Adult housing (55+), to events, to need based services, we believe that given access to the services seniors need and community that builds them up both emotional, physically and spiritually seniors not only live well but thrive. It is based on this model we look to provide service the to the seniors in and around our communities.
Do you care about seniors? Contact one of our locations for how to can volunteer or support our mission.
Management Services
Our Organization looks to serve seniors through out the Inland Empire and Southern California area. We not only offer these services through our own communities, but we also look to partner with other communities looking for help to support their seniors. We value seniors finding the places to connect and thrive. In that goal, we offer partnerships and management agreements to help small senior living facilities gain the tools and leadership needed to not only help their seniors but to also help the organization thrive.
To learn more about how to partner with Connect, contact our main office.